2012年11月27日 星期二

亞洲暢銷歌王 - 徐瑋 徐瑋成長之路關鍵特搜

亞洲暢銷歌王 - 徐瑋  徐瑋成長之路關鍵特

徐瑋獨有的龐大 ( 海外版 ) 專輯群確實造成另類奇觀 !
Key close-up - (Jerry overseas edition of the origin?) Asia's best-selling King - Legend of the road. Xu Wei in the large (overseas edition) album group, does create an alternative spectacle!

什麼是海外版 ? 港台歌手那麼多為什麼只有徐瑋擁有龐大的海外版暢銷專輯群 ? 為什麼徐瑋有三十幾張專輯三百多首華語歌國內一張都沒發行 ? 難道不需多個台灣大華人市場分攤成本嗎 ? 除了徐瑋及前輩歌王劉文正似乎也沒聽說其它港台歌手有所謂的 (  海外版 ),自2011年起 ( 風中的早晨、心動、城市節奏、哎呀!留下來、愛那俏姑娘、不讓你看我的眼睛、風兒的思念 ) MV網路曝光之後、徐瑋獨有的海外版龐大唱片群終於不再神秘。

一般港台歌手都由單一母公司錄完音後再交海外發行,兩地共同分攤成本,這種叫作 ( 代理發行 ) 不是海外版,但是劉文正與徐瑋的正宗海​​外版都是國內版之外獨立製作的專輯,特色是國內沒有發行過,徐瑋甚至有七十多首海外版新歌台灣也都沒發行,看到這裡是不是覺得很奇特,JERRY是怎麼辦到的! 獨立製作一張專輯成本需一百多萬,加上宣傳費兩百多萬跑不掉,代理髮行則便宜的多,三十萬上下就可賣斷,兩者成本相差五倍之多 ! 海外唱片業者穩賺的也只有這麼兩個人,像劉文正唱的 ( 蘭花草 ) 徐瑋的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 台灣均沒有發行,劉的海外版有二十多張,徐的海外版有三十多張,均是很瘋狂的發片記錄,有趣的是徐瑋剛出道的 ( 那個女孩 ) 及 ( 小姐 ) 是劉文正海外版的主打歌, 徐瑋後來開始接棒後也有翻唱過劉的 ( 愛像什麼 ) ,形成兩代歌王互唱對方成名曲的趣事! 事實上,海外版與國內版製作成本相差不多,徐瑋的專輯常有一半是新歌另一半翻唱,徐瑋加盟新加坡清優均是整張全新的歌,東南亞華人的人口只有台灣的三分之一,兩代亞洲暢銷歌王劉文正與徐瑋是極少數可以獨立製作發行,完全不需依賴台灣的大華人市場,不但可回本還一張接一張均可賺大錢的熱賣天王。千禧年以前中國大陸唱片市場並未全面開放,因此在這之前東南亞大華人市場是台港歌手必爭的戰場,據站長調查能夠在東南亞呼風喚雨的台灣歌手只有兩個人,就是永遠的前輩歌王劉文正與後來的徐瑋,當時東南亞唱片與作SHOW市場正值一片欣欣向榮,徐瑋16歲剛出道時正是劉文正在東南亞狂發唱片的時後,獨占唱片市場熱賣有十年之久,出了很多國內沒發行的海外版,據說有二十多張,因此新馬的唱片公司都在尋找台灣的下一個接棒歌手,遍尋之後寶麗金與快樂不約而同看好當時19歲的新人徐瑋的潛力,快樂剛好比寶麗金早一周找上正準備服兵役的徐瑋,如果快樂晚一周找徐瑋,他肯定會簽約寶麗金,歷史也將會改寫,是否有更好的成績誰也不知道 !

徐瑋19歲當兵前夕,加盟快樂唱片,推出第一張真正的 ( 非代理 ) 海外版 ( 風中的早晨 ) 清新的歌聲加上陽光的笑容,JERRY無法出國做宣傳的第一張專輯竟然狂賣30多萬張 ! 也開啟徐瑋( 亞洲暢銷歌王 ) 之路十年間光是海外版就連發31張專輯張張大賣 ! 創下多項驚人銷售紀錄並刷新前輩歌王劉文正海外版的總發片與銷售量

19歲當兵前夕,寶麗金與大馬的的快樂唱片不約而同找徐瑋談合作,快樂剛好比寶麗金早了一個禮拜,快樂說服徐瑋可以人不用去宣傳就有辦法大作宣傳,當時徐 瑋未服役還不能出國,於是抱著試試看的想法與快樂簽唱片約,沒想到後來竟張張專輯橫掃千軍 ! 還逼得原本獨佔市場的前輩天王讓位,也開啟了亞洲華語歌壇暢銷歌王之路,第一張 ( 風中的早晨 ) 就狂賣三十幾萬行,一舉打響快樂王牌小生的名號,之後,十年間連發三十一張專輯,張張大賣,也因此有了許多冠軍歌曲,像是~哎呀!留下來、愛那俏姑娘、戴 安娜、風中的早晨、再會吧!原野、維那斯、送­妳一朵勿忘我、天長地久、留不住妳的心、心動、泥娃娃、好久以前、城市節奏~等等,不計其數,徐瑋海內外共 出版過42張專輯單曲四百多首,徐瑋的國內版與海外版曲風大大不­同,國內版當然是以主流的情歌為主~像~那個女孩、小姐、筆友、想不盡的你、好久以前~ 都是主流情歌,但是海外的選歌則沒有限制什麼歌路都來,也是以最市場的歌為主線~所­以各類的歌徐瑋都翻唱,西洋翻唱歌更是徐瑋的必殺技,戴安娜 Diana、維那斯、送妳一朵勿忘我、都是西洋翻唱熱賣歌 ! 也都非常的的好聽。

即將服兵役的徐瑋抱著試試的心理與快樂合作,第一張由胡立武製作的專輯 ( 風中的早晨) 一推出就直奔電台龍虎榜冠軍狂賣30多萬張,當徐瑋得知唱片熱賣的消息時還正在訓練中心當大頭新兵,藝工隊都還沒去報到呢! 第一張打響之後,快樂加碼打宣傳,包下電台節目,每天固定一個鐘頭專門介紹徐瑋的歌,快樂王牌小生喊得震天響! 還請主持人到台灣錄下徐瑋的多段電台專訪,每天熱力放送,徐瑋當兵時也沒閒著,就這樣悄悄的打穩了東南亞華人市場,兩年兵役期共出版了六張專輯,張張大賣,
新加坡寶麗金前高層司馬阿亞急電台灣寶麗金主管,這個人 ( 徐瑋 ) 一定要簽到,無耐還是晚了快樂一步 ! 快樂機構老闆慧眼先一步搶到徐瑋,沒多久 Happy Record agency 稱霸東南亞華語唱片市場叱吒一時 ! 手中第一王牌快樂小生徐瑋是快樂的金字招牌

徐 瑋在海山的專輯之前一直都是由新加坡東尼來代理,總共發行了六張,比台灣還多了兩張,並為真的出過 ( 海外版 ) ! 其實徐瑋的潛力早就已經被不少嗅覺敏銳的業界看好,尤其是新加坡寶麗金前高層司馬阿亞先生,他掌權期間曾急電台灣寶麗金主管,這個人 ( 徐瑋 ) 一定要簽到,無耐還是晚了快樂一步 ! 後來徐瑋紅翻亞洲唱片市場成了暢銷一哥,因故認識了司馬先生,才知道他當兵前接到寶麗金高層的電話就是司馬先生一手促成,台灣與新加坡高層共同看好的新人 徐瑋,不但沒簽到手跑還到別的公司發光發熱,也為自己的 ( 晚一步 ) 而懊悔不已,台灣還有很多的歌手啊 ? 寶麗金也都試過就是沒有一個玩的起來 ! 只好眼睜睜看著快樂與徐瑋成為東南亞的新霸主,叱吒一時

 徐 瑋役畢後面對諸多選項,但還是情義相挺曾帶他四張專輯宣傳的海山桂姐創業,( 點將 ) 唱片創業專輯 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 一推出就橫掃台灣歌壇,創下多項驚人銷售記錄,徐瑋式的浪漫情歌大大風行,一炮雙響,點將與徐瑋雙雙報紅 ! 擊出滿分全壘打,經過十幾張唱片的磨練,徐瑋找到自己的新唱風。
役畢後繼續與胡立武合作,加盟點將推出首張開國創業作 ( 想不盡的你 ) 一出版橫掃國內唱片市場,當時國內所有各大小排行榜 ( 想不盡的你 ) 都是冠軍,海內外狂賣超過一百萬張,瑋式情歌的獨特浪漫風情深深打動人心,也讓國內的同胞終於知道原來徐瑋不只是偶像,情歌唱得那麼打動人! 已經不是初出道那個作牛仔打扮唱著 ( 那個女孩與小姐 ) 的小毛頭,徐瑋說:製作人胡哥一直建議徐瑋應該考慮實力堅強的飛碟或歌林片唱片,他可以接洽發行合作,快樂老闆又力荐鄉城唱片跟徐瑋合作,但是當徐瑋一接到曾帶他四張唱片宣傳的海山桂姐要創業的電話時,還是毅然絕然力挺看著他長大的桂姐創業點將,果然開出紅盤,一炮雙響點將與徐瑋雙雙爆紅,徐瑋俊俏的外型與深情浪漫的好歌藝造成歌壇一鼓極大的炫風,有網友形容彷彿是一個突然從另一個世界降臨的超完美男人 ! 確時徐瑋得天獨厚的氣質與好歌聲多年來無人可以相提並論,也更加令人懷念 !
下圖為 ~ ( 想不盡的妳 ) 海外版,也是快樂出品的第七張專輯,海外用的是歌曲原名 ( 我好想妳 ),台灣後來才改名 ( 想不盡的妳 )。海外版多了兩首歌,共12首歌,多首歌曲名稱也不一樣。( 次官網資料庫 )

徐瑋狹專輯六連莊大熱賣的氣勢,快樂出品的第七集 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 先國內一步海外大熱賣 ! 海外用的是歌曲原名 ( 我好想妳 ) 發行 !  海外傳回捷報,點將嗅出將大賣的氣氛,加碼全國歌友會打宣傳,果然平地一生雷,想不盡的你 - 直奔全國各大公信排行榜冠軍達數月之久 !  

JERRY役畢首張復出神曲 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 在台灣紅到爆,此曲熱的時後全西門町百貨、餐廳、服裝店都在狂播 ! 加上電台猛愛播一天可聽到二三十次、此張專輯並迅速攻佔國內所有看得到的排行榜冠軍數月之久,全國性暢銷榜龍頭指標~羅小雲的 ( 知音時間 ) 更是八周暢銷榜冠軍,海內外總銷量超過一百萬張,海外版同一專輯則是先國內一個月發行,JERRY挾帶著唱片大賣六連莊的超高人氣與第一次海外大型宣傳造 勢,早台灣一步大熱賣 ! JERRY發片順序是反過來操作,都是國外先發行,然後才是國內再發行。

( 點將唱片 ) 壓對寶,創葉作 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 一推出就攻上排行榜冠軍,創葉作開紅盤一炮而紅,也讓人知道徐瑋的情歌的獨特魅力,掀起一鼓瑋式情歌浪漫風,徐瑋當兵前後的唱風180度大轉變,( 想不盡的妳 ) 專輯絕對是一個分水嶺,徐瑋擺脫初出道時的稚氣唱腔,開始自己獨特浪漫風味的瑋式情歌。

徐瑋役畢後,第一次東南亞的宣傳與各地大型歌友會一場接一場的辦,每一場均是人山人海,唱片當然是更加火熱,每逢徐瑋發新片各地中盤商一大早到唱片公司卡位搶貨蔚為奇觀 ! 
Xu Wei served after completion of the first publicity in Southeast Asia and around the large fan club going into office, every game is drawing huge crowds, the record is more fiery, during the Xu Wei wholesalers in the film around early in the morning to the record company card rush deliveryspectacular!

徐瑋役畢後,第一次東南亞的宣傳與各地大型歌友會一場接一場的辦,每一場均是人山人海,唱片當然是賣得更加火熱,此時劉文正正式退出並退居幕後組唱片公司捧新人,不再出海外版,東南亞華語市場變成徐瑋一人獨大,往後十年穩作暢銷一哥寶座,總共瘋狂出版了31張專輯 ( 尚不包括精選輯 ),這也是為什麼網絡上有許多國內同胞沒聽過的新歌與翻唱歌,徐瑋休息十多年還有幾百首歌曲網絡上錄續一一曝光,許多海內外網友紛紛上傳自己手中的歌曲,造成一鼓奇觀! 據查已逼近800首MV之多,沒發行海外精選的好歌,陸續也被熱心網友轉錄上傳,歌曲還在持續增加中,徐瑋的專輯熱賣搶手的程度到底有多驚人呢? 我這樣形容可能還不夠貼切,我看到新加坡網友提供的剪報上的報導,有一段說: ( 昨天徐瑋發新片,各地的中盤商一大早就把唱片公司的發貨工場擠得水洩不通,這次徐瑋將辦大型的歌友會憑卡帶裡的印花小卡可免費入場 ! ),據說每逢徐瑋發新片大馬或是新加坡的各地中盤商一大早就到唱片公司搶貨,因此徐瑋才有 ( 亞洲暢銷歌王 ) 這個封號,如今~ ( 歲月遊子 ) 也曝光了,徐瑋獨有的( 海外版 ) 確實造成另類奇觀 !


徐瑋不願再唱穩賺錢的市場歌,歌曲路線之爭,為 了理想徐瑋忍痛離開合作六年的快樂加盟新加坡清優唱片,成立個人品牌 ( 飛城 )FREETOWN. 推出首張國內同名專輯 ( 好久以前 ) 空前大熱賣,盤據龍虎榜冠軍三個月之久 ! 快樂誤判形勢一味迷信市場歌錯失一手捧起的金童,快樂的全盛時期也隨著徐瑋的離開而逐漸沒落 !  

徐瑋離開合作六年的快樂後加盟新加坡清優唱片,老闆為了歡迎暢銷歌王徐瑋的合作另外開了一個品牌叫作FREETOWN成立專屬徐的發行品牌,因此我看到許多專輯的捲標都打上FREETOWN,翻成中文是( 飛城),飛城當然只發行徐瑋的專輯,如~好久以前、城市節奏、心動、希望下起雨來、不讓你看我的眼睛、你願不願意、離開你、戀愛季節~都是飛城出版的暢銷歌曲。 

事實上,徐瑋表示- ( 一枝草一點露,飲水要思源,快樂老闆是他永遠的大貴人! ) , 當他19歲兵役期時很多人都不敢找他,因為當兵時什麼都不能做! 快樂老闆就是看好他,當兵前不計成本找當時國內最貴的設影師陳文彬拍了數百張帥氣宣傳照,編曲也是請全國最貴的大師陳志遠操刀,每張唱片均附送大型精美海報,電台每天還有徐瑋的專屬音樂時段播他的歌曲,就這樣一點一滴不取巧的把徐瑋打成東南亞最賣錢的歌王,當然快樂的勇於投資也得到好的回報,從徐瑋的專輯上賺進大把鈔票高達九位數,徐瑋每次去大馬或新加坡工作或宣傳,快樂都配有一部奔馳車及司機專門供徐瑋使用! 可見得快樂從金童身上賺進不少錢,善待搖錢樹也是應該。徐瑋表示:自己是個念舊的人,並不想離開合作多年的快樂,他始終感謝老闆的慧眼與力捧,才創造出徐瑋亞洲熱賣歌王的地位,但由於後期快樂的路線大轉彎,老闆迷信所謂福建味市場歌,徐瑋也配合出了很多張,每一張都大賣,但是徐瑋深知那種歌不適合他的型像與歌聲,兩人多次溝通無效後才促使徐瑋決定離開這個口中的大貴人! 徐瑋深知-一個好的歌手更需要的是一個好的幕後團隊與強力的宣傳,方可打造出一個成功的巨星,沒有快樂的力捧就沒有暢銷歌王徐瑋,這也是徐瑋忍痛離開快樂卻始終感謝萬分的原因! 我認為~快樂為了一時的眼前利意,錯失了徐瑋這個金童,是不智之舉,徐瑋後來轉到新加坡飛城唱片出版與台灣同名專輯( 好久以前) 一推出既攻占暢銷榜首達10週之久,第二張被新加坡電視台邀請主唱八點檔大戲( 調色板) 主題歌-心動,城市節奏,更是賣到翻,這也證明徐瑋的看法是對的,歌迷因為是徐瑋唱的歌才喜歡,並不是市場歌的原故,精明老練的生意人忘了歌迷喜歡的是這個歌手唱的歌,徐瑋一直都是典型的人帶歌,很多非主流歌被徐瑋唱紅不知多少,後來快樂也找了其它台灣的知名歌手,如~楊林,齊秦~等等,想如法再泡製一個徐瑋,但是玩沒幾張就不了了之,中盤商到快樂搶貨的榮景不在,快樂的全盛時期也隨著當家小生徐瑋的離開而逐漸末落。徐瑋95年發行海外版( 歲月遊子) 後沒多久就遠赴加拿大調養身體,也未再接任何電視的通告,也沒公開的表演活動,亞洲暢銷歌王后繼無人,徐瑋這種一年三張狂驗片的傳奇就到徐瑋為止,儘管唱片公司想找尋下一個接棒人,無奈歌迷不捧場,無人接得了棒,現在當然更不可能,網絡免費聽歌下載的時代來臨,除了很死忠的歌迷外買CD的人口爆跌,台灣的唱片公司2000之前幾乎全部結束,改由外商國際公司強佔國內的市場,據說能賣到三萬骯可以算是暢銷專輯了! 一張專輯製作費至少兩百萬的成本,獨立唱片公司已無力打平,更別說一張張的發片了! 因此以徐瑋的四十多張專輯的出版記錄,應該可以說是華語歌壇的極少數,我還真不知道還有誰有這種紀錄,徐瑋是有歌有專輯封面可查,不是說說而已,要拿得出東西來! 經過多位版主接力整理互補資料後,徐瑋是唯一一位可以紮紮實實完整SHOW得出歌單歌曲與資料來的超級歌手。

快樂百萬暢銷金曲 ~別名(稚愛)

徐瑋42張專輯創佳績,清新浪漫深情的 ( 瑋式情歌 ) 深深觸動人心,這是最令歌迷喜歡的原因 !  站長的心話語
Xu Wei, 42 album success! Fresh romantic affection (Wei-style love songs) deeply touched people, this is why most fans favorite! Webmaster heart discourse

JERRY 海內外共發行42張專輯,張張暢銷,動聽的情歌無數,聽說還有未曝光的新歌喔,也包括JERRY自己寫的新歌曲 ( 心中那個角落 ),真的是很神奇 ! 世界上絕對找不出弟二個歌手十年沒錄音,還有那麼多新歌沒舖光,更利害的是都是非常好聽的新歌,例如最近才舖光的 ( 妳是我最後一眸 ) ( 愛妳從不曾改變 )  ( 珍妮 )  ( 歲月遊子 ) ,都是非常好聽的新歌,看了SONYONE的介紹後,對JERRY的喜愛與思念更加高漲 ! 
JERRY目前據說還是在調整身體中,今年內沒有復出的計劃,時常台北-溫哥華來來去去,雖然找他的人很多,也並沒有與任何經紀人或唱片公司恰談合作,要等到他覺得身體的狀態完全恢復時,才會有下一步想法,我想期待JERRY出新歌及開演唱會的人很多,但是以JERRY自我要求之高,沒有很好的狀態與計劃時不可能復出,我們FANS現在能做的就是默默的替JERRY加油,架設徐瑋Jerry Xu ( 中英版 ) 紛絲官網是實質的支持,也透過SONYONE轉達得到JERRY本人的完全同意



2012年10月15日 星期一

瑋瑋家族聯盟快訊 - 徐瑋JERRY透過各大家族跟大家問好 !

  • 徐瑋微博粉絲家族自製大型合成圖

    徐瑋音樂家族 DD BOX 再加工合成長方形家族海報

徐瑋電子報及新浪博客紛紛成立了新瑋瑋家族 ! 曾做過記者工作的東方霞主編 ( 徐瑋電子報 ) 一口氣在udn,Now及痞客幫同時成立互相支援,是不可小看的家族新勢力自成一個系統 !
據說徐瑋的歌曲及宣傳照在博客上讓大陸網友驚豔不已,從來沒去大陸發展及宣傳過的徐瑋,粉絲家族這兩天一成立,據說非常受歡迎,剛發現的網友紛紛打探台灣是否又出了新的超級完美大偶像,還說比王力宏,潘瑋伯,周董還優質,並不知徐瑋早就是紅透台灣及東南亞的暢銷歌王,目前還在加拿大調養身心並未復出 ! 就讓他們 ( 大陸網友 ) 慢慢去從網路上的資料了解吧 ! 看我們支持的阿瑋,不論是歌藝,材藝,親和力,帥氣指數,可愛的笑容,絕對是獨一無二全亞洲男歌手裡最棒(屌)的 !

瑋瑋家族聯盟快訊 - 徐瑋JERRY透過各大家族跟大家問好 !

淡出國外多年且還在溫哥華調整身體的徐瑋人氣依舊超高,舊歌迷加上新歌迷無不盼望JERRY能復出開唱,一解粉絲相思之苦,最近得到JERRY的短訊,只要他覺得身體的狀態調整的很佳的時候一定會回國跟大家見面,但是沒有確切的時間表,有些網路消息說JERRY最近快回國出片開唱都是不正確的,JERRY並沒有自己開的FACEBOOK或微博,如果有都是歌友開的均非本人,目前能跟徐瑋直接聯絡的只有極少數的幾個人,本人應該是所有民間歌友次官方網站唯一可以接到JERRY訊息的站長,JERRY也透過本站跟所有關心他的朋友 ( 問好 ) !

站長要一提的是,JERRY的各種大大小小的BLOG加一加兩三百個都有,比較大型的網站就是次官網之類的,像中英版國際粉絲次官網就很讚 ! 很有水準的國際級官網,其它像DD BOX 及S.J.B的BLOG也是極佳,中型好看的BLOG就一大堆了,站長就不一一介紹,介紹不完的,站長代表JERRY謝謝這樣多的版主熱心的推薦或是開版,
我們就是很喜歡支持心中的超級偶像徐瑋,沒有一般官方網站的冷血與銅臭,第一,我們不推銷演唱會門票,第二,我們不賣或推薦任何相關音樂CD的產品,第三,不告知歌手的活動訊息 ( 徐瑋根本還未復出 ),第四,粉絲歌友開辦的次官網跟任何唱片或經紀公司一點關係都沒有,JERRY也根本未加入任何相關公司,所以我們沒有 ( 得到 ) 的壓力,亦沒官方味的冷酷,有的是分享後的溫暖與喜悅,這也是JERRY認同本站及各大我們認可的徐瑋次官網的原因,因為我們懂得愛與分享。

Jerry1997年迅雷不及掩耳突然移民,也沒告知任何人,當歌迷突然想起好久不見的超級偶像時,他早已悄悄的移居溫哥華,主要是為了調養身體,目前已見到成效,據他說是該胖的地方胖,該瘦的地方瘦,臉色又紅潤起來 ! 他表示 - 是許多人偶像的他,必需要好看才能見人,這也是一個優質歌手藝人該有的敬業態度,所以這些年曾經挽拒過許多演唱及電視節目的邀約,再高的演出價碼也不為所動。
還有就是本篇文章裡所有的新海報都是首次曝光,我想就算是非常注意徐瑋的歌友也絕對沒有見過最近DD BOX及S.J.B出的海報,因為是最近才被海外歌友提供出來的宣傳品,徐瑋的31張國內從未曝光過的專輯歌曲,也才在今年陸續曝光。



2012年9月17日 星期一

徐瑋Jerry紫色夢幻演唱會 Xu Wei, purple fantasy 紫色夢幻的徐瑋

徐瑋Jerry紫色夢幻演唱會 Xu Wei, purple fantasy 紫色夢幻的徐瑋


Xu Wei, purple fantasy 紫色夢幻的徐瑋演唱會

S.J.B 是全國首創以單一對向為主角,想要設計創意與表現獨一無二的 S.J.B 視覺圖相,不用說主角就是許多人喜歡但是淡出國外的超級偶像徐瑋,看了DD BOX 的BLOG後也加入徐瑋音樂家族,有空的時後設計一些圖相來滿足自己的創作慾,當然可以提供給瑋友收藏或使用在BLOG是不錯的 ! 也別忘了推薦 S.J.B 喔 !

水晶舞台為幕的 S.J.B 華麗風格 !

S.J.B的設計以華麗的舞台為背景,JERRY站在特別打造的水晶舞台上唱情歌,Xu Wei, purple fantasy.紫色夢幻的徐瑋演唱會是這一系列圖相海報的標題
徐瑋的明星氣質超強 !

以往男性很少用紫色來表現,因為紫色代表夢幻,但是美型男當道的現在,反而需要豔麗的紫色來表現浪漫與夢幻,韓國系的美型男藝人最會用這些豔麗的顏色 ! 把亞洲的姐姐妹妹們迷得團團轉,瘋狂的追韓星,這就是夢幻藝人當道的時代,台灣也是一樣的,明星氣質最重要。
我個人很喜歡DD BOX 的設計,也加入來玩設計有些關公面前耍大刀,我想常來逛的朋友應該可以看得出來我與DD BOX的風格很是不一樣,我們都是很支持喜歡徐瑋的朋友,也希望不一樣的設計風格可以給朋友多一個收藏的選擇。

徐瑋 - S.J.B 廣告牆

Xu Wei, purple fantasy 紫色夢幻的徐瑋演唱會
S.J.B 宣傳海報

2012年9月1日 星期六

徐瑋 Jerry,s Wonder World 星際系列 第5彈 WEI WEI CLUB

 徐瑋 Jerry,s Wonder World 星際系列 第4彈 第5彈
JERRY XU 音樂頻道 - 徐瑋音樂家族 DD BOX 最新的設計

DD BOX換了一個新的版型,感覺比較順眼,基本上DD BOX 是以設計為主的網站,還是以介紹新的設計為要 ! 也會多推出一些較酷的JERRY造型 !

最近推出的是JERRY酷型的海報,不一樣的LOOK,不是帥帥的美型男,而是有點龐克風的JERRY,做出來後真的不錯,又是一款個性的POSTER ! 不同的尺吋方面各位版主搭配不同的BLOG版型 !  

JERRY星際系列 紫色風暴來襲 !DD BOX以設計為主,專門製作超級實力偶像徐瑋的MV及海報,我想以得到許多粉絲及歌友的喜愛紛紛拿來做BLOG的圖片素材,這個星際系列的海報更佳了 ! 彷彿好萊塢科幻電影的海報 !

想不盡的你 3D 版


DD BOX 最新推出的星際系列海報

2012年8月29日 星期三



WONDER WORLD 有濃厚的英倫風格,非常的搶眼,也是JERRY演唱表情的海報,LOVLY BABY真的是超喜歡 ! 也對DD BOX的設計與分享致上最高的謝意 ! 我想這對海內外JERRY的粉絲來說是一份最有價值的情人節禮物 !

徐瑋 - 妳是我最後一眸 獨家首播 - 國內未發行過的海外版新歌

徐瑋 - 妳是我最後一眸 獨家首播

2012年8月21日 星期二

徐瑋-WEI WEI CLUB 徐瑋JERRY XU 音樂俱樂部 MV酷卡推出

徐瑋音樂俱樂部  WEI WEI CLUB
徐瑋JERRY XU 音樂俱樂部  MV酷卡推出

WEI WEI CLUB 或是簡稱WW CLUB,是LOVLY BABY成立的新家族,用我最喜歡的紫色系做為版型,慢慢再添加照片與文章。

徐瑋 JERRY - 想像的天空  海外版新歌






2012年8月4日 星期六

徐瑋 WEI WEI CLUB 徐瑋音樂俱樂部 成立了! JERRY XU WONDER WORLD Music Club Jerrys Power Outbreak

徐瑋 WEI WEI CLUB  徐瑋音樂俱樂部成立了 !
 JERRY XU WONDER WORLD Music Club Jerrys Power Outbreak

DD BOX 的美國風海報很精彩
國內很少看過類似的手法 ! 有氣質 !

這張是電視錄影的的畫面,我最喜歡紫色系,紅色系,DD BOX的設計也常用紫色,藍色,真的很讚 ! 都是我的最愛。



2012年7月30日 星期一

徐瑋 JERRY XU - ( 徐瑋演唱會海報 ) 創作曲介紹 - 徐瑋音樂家族園地 站長-Lovely Baby

徐瑋 JERRY XU - ( 徐瑋演唱會海報 )
很精彩喔 ! 站長 - Lovly Baby

徐瑋音樂家族DD BOX推出多款JERRY演唱會表情海報,真的是很精彩,JERRY的演唱時表情很豐富,也很可愛 ! 徐瑋唱情歌時真的很深情,眼睛表情不時放電,有時又很落莫,滿臉的苦澀,我還記得當徐瑋唱想不盡的妳的時後,真的很深情不知迷倒多少女性同胞,現在有海報推出給歌友收藏,也真的見到了JERRY的深情款款 ! 太有型有款了 !

帥氣加上可愛是大家對徐瑋的感覺,徐瑋笑起來的時後很可愛,但是唱情歌的時後變得很深情憂鬱,也使得瑋式情歌更有魅力 ! 我想是JERRY很投入歌曲意境的原因,也因此聽徐瑋唱歌是一種享受看徐瑋唱歌則更生動 ! 又帥氣,又可愛,又俊秀,歌又唱得好,又會寫好聽的歌曲,又會作製專輯,難怪,難怪 ! 瑋迷這麼多 !

徐瑋是我見過最有自己風格與魅力的男歌手,根本無人可以相提並論徐瑋就是徐瑋,再出多少新歌手也永遠不可能取而代之 ! 不論是質與型及歌唱徐瑋已是絕對的超級 !

有偶像的外型又有歌王級的歌藝,這就是徐瑋 ! 但是徐瑋很怕他的外型太亮眼,會轉移了歌迷及媒體的焦點,所以必需比一般歌手更努力的表現才藝,於是徐瑋當兵時就開始默默的創作歌曲,第一首發表的 ( 隨風飄去 ) 讓人驚豔,非常的好聽,也讓歌迷終於了解徐瑋的創作天份。 



徐瑋除了在台灣很火紅之外在東南亞也是最火紅的暢銷天王共出版了四十多張專輯,海內外多張專輯創下百萬張的銷量,很多專輯最近才曝光,讓人才發現原來徐瑋在海外那麼紅,低調的徐瑋在國內很少提及海外市場的豐功偉業,但是資料會說話,紙那包得住火,凡走過必留下痕跡,歌迷一直追終於把很多暢銷歌給挖出來 ! 瑋瑋之友的力量真的很大喔 ! 誰叫我們那麼愛徐瑋呢 !


徐瑋自己想出來的Cowboy造型實在太讚了 !

剛出道的徐瑋還是個人見人愛俊秀的大男孩,才16歲呢 ! 都是唱些比較可愛的情歌,跟後來的情歌曲風不一樣,唱那個女孩,小姐,筆友,都是真的像個帥氣的陽光男孩,招牌牛仔裝更是迷死一堆小女生,說真的,徐瑋是我見過穿牛仔裝最帥氣的歌手 !

徐瑋出前幾張專輯並沒有造型設計,所以要打歌的時後左思右想就以牛仔的裝扮來打歌,電視一曝光後果然帥氣亮眼,得到一致好評 ! 果然-把 (小姐) (筆友) 都唱紅,唱片賣得嚇嚇叫,徐瑋即小王爺之後又給歌迷留下極深刻的印象,最近徐瑋的牛仔海報被DD BOX加以設計後,重現徐瑋最經典的造型。 

徐瑋唱 ( 小姐 ) 的COWBOY造型 

2012年7月11日 星期三

The JERRY XU 徐瑋國際音樂家族 Music Land The super strength of the creative genius of Xu Wei JERRY Performing Arts description is completely

THE  JERRY XU Music Land
The JERRY music force outbreak


The super strength of the creative genius of Xu Wei JERRY Performing Arts description is completely

Xu Wei (Royal Highness) 16 years of age to participate in the Taiwan Television singing competition debut, and was to win the championship! A debut that caught everyone's attention! Then the singer is probably the big star of the world, high above the great sense of distance, Xu Wei, like a neighbor's boy, smiles on their faces look very affinity. His 16-year-old out of his first album (the girl), they began to receive attention, the second (pen pal) and redder, when ultra-high radio airplay! Xu Wei received many letters before the motivation to sing (pen pal), record companies, especially tailored for Xu Wei wrote the song (Miss) is the title song written by Lau Ka Cheong Xu Wei, a passionate Latin flavor faster version of Love Song, Xu Wei and sang edge jump (Miss) cute very Riddler fans sister left a very deep impression quite lovable (I love the campus) is a folk style was blowing folk songs wind, so Xu Wei, a strong folk song flavor of the album, I love the campus, to capture the lost love - is also very appealing Song of the Month!

Xu Wei was able to sing (the seamount period refers to the seamount during the song, there are many good songs, Xu Wei, a period of time) between the ages of 16-20 that, like ~ girl, lady, waiting for you.swing, pen pal, my heart love seedlings, old love, I love the campus, to capture the lost love, why speak you say, where I live, tenderness ~, etc., is really very good to hear, are also Xu Weigangdebut into the music!
Xu Wei album in the same period (seamounts) in the new horse is issued by Tony
In recent years, Tony has been repeated this period Xu Wei selection set, the complete collection of all the songs of the Xu Weiqing adolescence, about 80!
There are some songs in Taiwan did not issue a

Xu Wei, a soldier on the eve of quietly signed a new horse happy institutions, also officially let Xu Weicheng new horse red recording artist! The songs of that period to the present or has been selected series Enduring called Chinese music in the new horse unassailable!
According to the investigation, Xu Wei consecutive seven or eight years with fixed annual three speed in the Series! Can be said to no one! Of course there is a new song and turn to sing! Refers to the cover of someone else's song or songs and the song of the different types of styles!
So to add up more than 330-350 first single sung by Xu Wei This is why each after a while I found JERRY new song PO Internet. Many songs never released in Taiwan by one exposure on the network regardless of YOUTUBE or general international website, the mainland site, the Internet by the PO of many enthusiastic users, and the production of the MV, now it is easy to hear to the today's environment of the album is poor, free network songs plus MP3 available for download, there is no record company willing to invest singer a lot of films (many of the country had shared the record companies, two thousand years ago have ended business longer hair piece), so like a friend of Xu Wei, in 2011 now, you can also hear Xu Wei unreleased song, but also free, is a very good thing! Can be regarded as Jerry gave fans the gift! (The singer now I am afraid even recorded a lot of songs the opportunity did not, not to mention the

(Xu Wei rage swept through Southeast Asia, the Chinese market as Asia's best-selling King)
Xu Wei in the country due to (think endless you) burst of red, the cyclone swept the major sales charts, we are all familiar with, but Xu Wei also overseas Arctic Monkeys Ever Victorious Army, has selected sets out non-stop. Overseas in Southeast Asia happy LP launch of the first album, My God! To stay introduced Kuangmai, and hit a brilliant record of more than 30 million (Note - the Chinese proportion of conversion, the new horse tens of thousands of 30 is equal to Taiwan sold more than 1 million is a very incredible record, if coupled with a replica of the total sales volume is even more staggering), and since then JERRY Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and even the Chinese market in Thailand is Zhang Da sell, just overseas has published about 25 albums album (not including Taiwan), the LP record check is not an exaggeration.

JERRY seems to be the only album in the sub-domestic version of the overseas edition of the singer, the album is super (about 35). His overseas edition from the army, he has not quietly start Jerry overseas spending to a happy record, but the seamount during the song to the Tony agencies issued long-term formation of the peculiar phenomenon of their own album rally, while also there is an album of new domestic exposure (years of wandering), excellent reputation, is the only one of Xu Wei, the album is not exposed on the Internet is produced by well-known producer Xu Huan Liang (he is the producer JJ very well-known), by a number of well-known songwriters in Singapore Liang Wenfu, LWS, thinking Siong, Li Fei Hui, tailor-made for him. He also wrote a song, a mysterious and good reputation of the album, when can this world really JERRY answered, perhaps the album he had plans to launch, but said that for health reasons. abroad cultivation, so I can not, I think he really will engage in the legend! The album had only issued a cassette audition piece, so most people buy the album. Moderator of the hearing (Xu Wei, the world) said that the song is very good (he buy audition piece), but he did not dare to PO (because the song is Xu Wei, unexposed, not daring to open the first shot.) !

Xu Wei said that because of health factors, and around 1997 moved to Vancouver, one after another to pass the message back, one hand, he restore his health, charge, and return to school, and occasionally returned to Taiwan to walk about the news is true, of course, many users would like to know more about his current situation, (but it is also sonyone can provide Xu Wei message.)

The JERRY overall impression is that star quality unmatched

Singer is not light to sing, sing good people singing contest, or the KTV a lot, but also necessary for the overall impression points, star qualities but override all the above, the Jerry overall impression is that star quality unmatched advantages . Recognized this fact, SONYONE is no exaggeration. Today's era especially, will sing and the audience likes to hang with! Or now and then network listen to music for free, who would buy the singer's CD and concert tickets for it! Look forward to Xu Wei once again the sounds of many people! When he is healthy factors abroad nursed back to health, if the state to adjust well, of course, should come back to re-start is to meet with the fans like him! But friends told me that Xu Wei's fans mainly in the upper grades, fear of seventy-eight year, he was not familiar! I worry, really LKK's outdated thinking. The rapid spread of today's network information, allows you to complete within an hour, to quickly recognize a person, you like in the This is the convenience of the Internet world, and fast. Xu Wei, the foundation is so thick, numerous good songs, very appealing to viewers and lovable! So these are not a problem, just missing a fire point, of course, the most important thing the state of his body! JERRY is conditional forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-eight grade-take-all singers! In addition to Taiwan, mainland China a huge market, Xu Wei conquered regions, but also Xu Wei, an undeveloped virgin areas. SONYONE For example, Mr. Liu Jiachang Jerry fledgling teacher, his main fan base to third and fourth grades Fifth grade is very vague on his song, not to mention six seven or eight grades, the mainland to their listeners, of course do not know him! Liu recently appeared frequently on television because the concert will do the publicity, even the eighth grade all know his past, made ​​famous the song! JERRY sing pin song countless sweet playful song is definitely the Mainland song Friends of favorite songs, there is no market will not be sold, even the prime person people judge come to come!

Xu Wei, a good appealing to viewers and singing the strength of his own one day

JERRY Japanese and Korean singers colors strong, Today, South Korea, mainland China, Taiwan and the whole of Asia mainstream handsome beefcake, coupled with his perfect singing strength, JERRY produced by the very packaging Japan and South Korea LP surgeon, he will be more powerful explosive! As early as Korea RAIN red on the international stage. Of course the above is my objective view of the spectator, but also with the fact that far from it!The singer of course need to have super great publicity of the record companies, before creating a superstar, such as Warner, SONY, or when the flying saucer, the Rolling Stones, a flower does not hesitate to play a promotional fee to Warner won Jolin Tsai, Show Luo the sky fireworks boom, with thousands of publicity expenses strong visibility out of the heap, the singer unleashed the red is hard! JERRY is not the growth trajectory. Xu Wei by the many songs the Friends of like, it seems a natural development, they are all good appealing to viewers of his own singing strength accumulation, with the support of the fans slowly, not at all handsome fortunately, can be described as red and real materials Xu Wei had not been worked at so-called mainstream major record companies, such as UFOs, the Rolling Stones, PolyGram, etc., are about the development of start-up company co-operation, such as Xu Wei is the point entrepreneurial singer, a wish to endless you, the point is just a no-known new company, later joining the concentric circles is a new company, the same overseas he left happy to join the Qing excellent record of the new company, plus there is no super company to hold and lay a strong, Xu Wei is still out so many good songs, for the people under the strength of large companies, enterprises declared not have this achievement. This is why JERRY There are many good songs to listen to, not have been properly heat played, but really the super songs, is not it strange! This place can be seen JERRY simplicity and reality, not an icing on the cake! This is also to make SONYONE love and appreciation of the main reasons of JERRY! Through the magazine Jane reported a patchwork quilt, and I thin the analysis can be a better understanding of JERRY simple and kind-hearted and cute, this BLOG has several articles devoted to the JERRY Weekly reported the story finishing Oh, very interesting!

Xu Wei ~ 22 hit songs MV 

一首成名的歌曲 - 那个女孩  Xu Wei, the first famous song - The girl
( 来自板桥一个爱唱歌的孩子~用歌声征服歌迷的心 )
(From Itabashi a child loves to sing - to conquer the hearts of the fans with song)

Just graduated 16-year-old Xu Wei, with a look of childlike, by a bit large and does not quite fit the suit, to participate in the singing contest held by Taiwan Television, three months off per month are the champions, the last Finals even get to the championship! also the youngest record of hit singing contest, a lot of experienced Big Brother Big Sister to par! really let a lot of bug-eyed and later signed the seamount record the first album (the girl) greatly hot, and the majority of the media as the successor of a certain King, big-selling debut album, this boss also package a big red envelope to Xu Wei, Jerry also has many fans, when Xu Wei month average will receive more than a thousand letters, and this record producer, especially Xiao Xu Wei wrote a (pen pal), Xu Wei had an idea on television dressed as your favorite cowboy COW BOY modeling pursuit song, then as COW, BOY modeling became a registered trademark of Xu Wei, playing Miss and pen pal, handsome COW BOY, modeling impressive!
Xu Wei, the business for the cute kind of invincible super cute Xiaojun, often big brother big sister to eat tofu to face pinch a whining pain! Small princes, COW, BOY cowboy, camouflage, Xu Wei signature dress.
Super handsome Xu Wei fear most fans look at the focus on his appearance, Xu Wei ~ (I had participated in a singing competition not dress super soil, do not wear no makeup on, completely makeup battle. looks really not very handsome, I was singing the strength to get the consensus of all reviewed to take title Oh!) Xu Wei's song is quite distinctive, a different sense of fresh, transparent, clean and romantic, and I have seen a magazine specifically robe ~ Xu Wei's song seems transparent spring-like and sweet, almost a lot of people described related to the clean spring water, streams, the breeze refreshing and refined words together so handsome Xu Wei the ordinary singer to redouble their efforts to prove their talent and creativity! owners had always thought the singer prettier the more handsome as possible, but JERRY say he was handsome and the Wu Nai, is it really? Perhaps the JERRY self asking for too much, the audience of course, like the optimistic look appealing singer, is not it?

Xu Wei also revealed that the owners of two small secret, Jerry participated in singing competitions personal information to fill the 18-year-old, he was only 16 years old, for fear of the organizers busy he is too small do not give the game the opportunity to deliberately reported a large age, two secret about winning and also participated in a singing competition, the preliminary round when they sing the second sentence of tension to the next card, immediately ratings
calamity rang the bell, please go! Xu Wei sad very ready for a long time the song has only sang two to be washed off! Jerry home and work hard to train hard singing over a few months to get the championship, said Xu Wei ~ my personality like challenges, {never give up} is my belief! JERRY not the first time admitted to give up, there is no future in Asia selling King!

Xu Wei ~ creative essence of ten songs MV

徐玮的创作曲极有市场性 - 精华创作10首歌MV简介
JERRY creation

The creation of Xu Wei Qu very market - the essence of creative song MV Profile

Xu Wei, the first time the creation of song, gone with the wind, and included in the endless (think you) album (gone with the wind) is the third wave of the title song of the album, very nice, some users said than countless more Naiting, I think the different styles of fans, endless (think you) is a gorgeous external work (gone with the wind) is the internal strength of the good at love, all nice and Xu Wei, the first time released is the lyrics all inclusive faint show of creative talent, and later produced by Ocean Butterflies Xu Huan Liang Xu Wei created and published two creative expression of the album (unusual heart) and (no relation), the latter is ten songwriters all-inclusive, it is Unfortunately, (no relation) I really do not know, to stay, my friend, Cinderella ~ song great, but it does not make what publicity listen JERRY record companies positive internal major personnel move wind he had no alternative but can only cross by contract trouble! the copyright of these two creative album really belongs to JERRY, the essence of this new version of 3DMV is concentrated from the two albums out of ten, very nice. listen to how sounds JERRY's creative song!
The creation of Xu Wei Qu very market - the essence of creative song MV

徐玮第一张海外版 ( 风中的早晨 ) 大卖30多万张开启亚洲畅销歌王之路 

Xu Wei, the first overseas edition (wind in the morning) sold over 30 million Zhang Kaiqi Asia best-selling King of the Road

JERRY overseas editions of many fans have heard the magazines are often reported, but the country did not release, the mysterious, we also have never heard of Jerry overseas edition of an annual fixed issue three decades stopped, unconsciously accumulated over three hundred first best-selling songs, new songs and popular of the various types of wind princess turned to singing, but also with new ballad album - (years of wandering, Ocean Butterflies co-operation in Singapore). Note ~ new rumor is the folk songs of Singapore
A Wei's overseas edition is a surgeon by the radio host Huli Wu served as producer, the Huli Wu previously is also a singer, and later served Xu Weihai foreign version of the production, In addition to Xu Wei and have not heard of him to help other singers produced the LP, can be said that A Wei's full-time producer. Xu Wei found his singing voice and can cause very grateful Huli Wu, the first album we chose the song selection is different from the seamount, arranger Master Chih-Yuan Chen surgeon, really out of something special praise! For example, the article describes (morning wind) now is like the new song is one of the owners listened to a lot of versions arranger of the most innovative shows that have to Hu in the production of skill and happy dare to spend money to record reasons for the success
General domestic singer a film and then referred to the Overseas Company issued, as little as one production costs based on cost considerations like but inside and outside the A Weiguo belong to different companies, overseas edition is an independent production and distribution, in fact - at home and abroad edition production costs similar to Jerry's album can not depend on the two cost-sharing, not only back to the bigger seller, but also record the issue of 31 consecutive unbeaten remember Lu, so we can restore his health in Xu Wei rest more than a decade also wonderful to hear JERRY's new song.

 风中的早晨 wind in the morning

徐玮 - 小王爷的由来

Xu Wei - the origin of the princes

Xu Weigang debut had told Xia Lingling acted in a prime-time costume drama (Junior Tour), the film played with his age, was similar to the 17-year-old Royal Highness, there are many many of Andy playing with Xia Lingling opposite Taiwan, as the up and down can not find a niche you can play the role of the playful, not too old, too mature, just just have a singing contest, Xu Wei, a handsome baby face, they were made ​​inviting Xu Wei, starring the small princes corner, did not make the costumes still doubt their ability to be competent, did not think that Xu Wei's surprisingly handsome costumes, play a launch on the red storm, the ratings Yongguan Taiwan, the little princes and lovable extent comparable, even with the most red Xia Lingling Xu Wei's play violent red before the first album (the girl) is recording, the little princes too loved by the audience, Xu Wei, the first album when the cover in particular, put the big princes standard word, from the (small princes - Xu Wei) has become Xu Wei always nickname.

想不尽的你 Endless